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Earthquake China

**65 Killed in Devastating Earthquake in China, Deadliest in Nearly a Decade** Beijing, China - A magnitude 15 or greater earthquake struck Gansu province in China on Monday, causing widespread damage and loss of life. As of Tuesday morning, at least 65 people have been confirmed dead, making it the deadliest earthquake in the country since 2014. According to the China Earthquake Networks Center, the quake struck at 9:41 PM EST on Monday, centered in Jishishan county. The earthquake was followed by six more earthquakes measuring magnitude 6 or higher in the past 24 hours, indicating ongoing seismic activity. Cold weather conditions are hampering rescue efforts, as temperatures have dropped below freezing in the affected areas. Emergency crews are working tirelessly to locate survivors and provide assistance to those who have lost their homes. The earthquake has caused significant damage to buildings and infrastructure. Many homes and businesses have been destroyed, and roads have been blocked by landslides. Communication lines have also been disrupted, making it difficult for authorities to assess the full extent of the damage. This earthquake is the deadliest in China since 2014, when a magnitude 6.3 quake killed more than 600 people in Yunnan province. The last major earthquake in Gansu province occurred in 2013, when a magnitude 6.6 quake killed 93 people. Chinese authorities have deployed a team of engineers and rescue workers to the affected area, and have promised to provide financial assistance to those who have lost their homes. The government has also activated a disaster response mechanism to coordinate relief efforts. The earthquake is a reminder of the seismic risks that China faces. The country is located in a region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity. The government has implemented strict building codes and disaster preparedness measures to minimize the impact of future earthquakes.
